Team Accountability Review

Turn ideas into action with this ownership workshop.


Inspired by:

Nick Walker, Programme Lead of News UK Culture and Accountability in Agile


All talk, no action

You've just had a great session discussing ideas to improve your company culture.

But projects have started up again and those great ideas just sit there gathering dust.

Usually it's not a lack of interest, but a lack of prioritization and ownership that prevents things from getting done. This is where the Team Accountability Review comes in handy!

🖍️ 1. Map out your team

Bring your team together and ask them to write down the names and functions of stakeholders and other team members they work with. Create clusters of the people who work closely together on a regular basis.

You can use a collaborative whiteboarding tool like Miro to map it out while on a video call.

🎯 2. Define and prioritize key activities

Ask your team: “Which activities do we need to do in order to achieve our goals?”

Then prioritize which will lead you to success. Label each activity as: 1. Must-do 2. Should-do or; 3. Could-do

🙋‍♀️ 3. Assign owners

Ask the team to group the activities by what makes sense to do together in the same project.

Then ask everyone to write their names next to what they’ll take ownership of. If you have more than one person responsible for one cluster, define an owner for it.

📅 Pro-tip: Set deadlines

It's important to set a target for when the activity will get done.

Get it in the calendar, and set check-in points to keep people accountable for progress.

Visual Summary

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