Balance Your Team’s Energy Account

Challenge your team according to their energy levels.

Team Morale

Inspired by:

Evangelina Demerouti and Arnold Bakker, Organizational Psychology Researchers


Balance Your Team’s Energy Account

Great leadership means challenging your team and pushing them to grow, but overstretching them can cause a drop in energy and performance.

Imagine each team member has an energy account - each time you push them it demands energy so you need to help them replenish energy when they are running low.

Here's 3 questions you can ask them.

🍽️ What do you find most challenging?

Help them list all the tasks and projects currently on their plate. This helps you both understand the demands they’re facing.

Then ask them which projects they find most challenging? This will help you pinpoint the energy-intensive ones, and will help you plan their workload more realistically.

🧘 What restores your energy?

For some people, this means more sleep, exercise, or social time. For others, it might be more creative time for passion projects.

Encourage them to reflect on what gives them energy, and most importantly are they getting enough of it?

❤️ How can I support you?

Be open to ideas. You may be able to help them find focus time, build confidence, or get more feedback.

Some people are afraid to ask for help, so reassure them that they always can. Make sure to check-in on them regularly especially if you notice them over-working.

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