Dopamine Bribes

A reward system to tackle tough or boring tasks.


Inspired by:

Bryan Collins, Senior Content Manager at Sage


Bribe Yourself with Dopamine

No matter how good your plan is, you’ll sometimes have trouble making progress on a project.

The trick is to create a reward system for yourself. You can use that dopamine rush you get from doing something fun, and make it an incentive for a job well done.

A good way to do this is the Pomodoro Technique. Let's try it out!

🍅 The Pomodoro Technique

  1. Choose a task
  2. Set the timer for 25 minutes
  3. Work on the task
  4. Put a checkmark when the timer rings
  5. Take a 5 minute break
  6. After 4 pomodoros, take a 30 minute break

Fun fact: Each interval is called a Pomodoro, after the tomato-shaped timer that Francesco Cirillo used as a student, when he invented the technique.

Let's make this method even more effective!

🧘 Tune everything else out to focus

Before you start working, tell your team you're about to go into focus mode.

Then, close all tabs in your browser and snooze your notifications.

Get some music in your headphones, if that keeps you in the zone.

🧁 Indulge when the timer goes off

After 25 minutes, give yourself a 5 minute break to do whatever you like.

• Have a stretch • Make a tea or coffee • Find the perfect meme to share on Slack

🍾 Do something special for big milestones

Plan something special to look forward to when you've reached a bigger goal.

This will be a nice incentive to work towards, and good payoff that you'll remember next time you have a big focused project.

How about... • Eating a fancy meal? • Buying yourself a gift? • Drinks with your team?

Whatever will motivate you!

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