Influence from the Bottom-Up

Make more persuasive arguments in just 3 steps.

Managing Up

Inspired by:

Ameet Ranadive, Chief Product Officer at GetYourGuide


Influence from the Bottom-Up

It’s hard to watch great solutions get thrown out time and time again. When you bring ideas to the table that get rejected or dismissed, it may feel like you have no authority.

What’s missing may not be an absence of power, but rather a lack of persuasion.

That means you have two choices: keep pushing the same story and hope they change their mind, or change tactics...

Rule of 3

Next time you’re pitching an idea, try out the Rule of 3 for Persuasion from McKinsey. It’s simple, but powerful: present exactly 3 reasons when you share your angle.

Let’s dig into 3 reasons why the Rule of 3 can be a game changer.

💡 You’ll get their attention and make it memorable

“Beginning, Middle and End”, “Blood, Sweat and Tears”, “Veni, vidi, vici”.

Presenting 3 things makes your argument brief, but enough to create a pattern. Our brains love patterns.

Start your argument with something like: “I’ve got three reasons why we should do this...” You’ll grab their attention and set your argument up to be memorable.

🏅 You’ll be forced to present your best

Now you have their attention - make use of it!

Your boss needs to hear your strongest argument. Force yourself to pick the three best reasons and resist the temptation to rattle off your rationale in any order.

🧑‍🏫 You’ll sound more structured, confident, and decisive

It’s harder to write-off a proposal that’s well-prepared.

When you list three well-thought-out reasons, your confidence will reinforce the soundness of your argument. The key is to trigger critical thinking about your proposal so that it’s seriously considered.

Up your influence

We often hear about how leaders are influencers—people who can sway their audience without official authority—but great influencers need solid tactics.

The Rule of 3 for Persuasion is designed to help you make your case with the power you already have.

Got any ideas you want to pitch? Why not think of exactly 3 reasons why they should try it?

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